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Send us your Request
What type of improper activity/suspicious activity or transaction do you wish to report?*
Suspicious activity or transaction, including the submission of incorrect data, hiding information from the employer
Violation of the information security requirements of Primend, including the misappropriation of data
Violation of the requirements of the GDPR
Violation of occupational health and safety requirements
Violation of the competition restriction
Misappropriation or damaging of the property of the company or a customer
Violation of law
Inappropriate and unethical behaviour, discrimination, failure to keep Primend’s agreements
Endangering the life and health of humans
Contract violations
Fraud or intentional error in the preparation, assessment, review or audit of financial invoices, accounts, entries.
Concealing violations of law, including submitting false data
Impairment of the reputation of the company
Impairment of customer relationships
When did it take place?
Date or period of time.
Where did it take place?*
Describe what you noticed or what happened?*
Who was involved?
Your name and contact details
While you may submit the report anonymously, we encourage you not to so that we could contact you for further inofrmation to ensure the success of the investigation. Primend Group will treat your report in confidence and uses its best efforts to ensure that no retaliation will follow.
*Obligatory fields
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